Greatest love spell caster native doctor - Oba

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Item details

City: Oba, Anambra
Offer type: Offer


Contact name Dr Ifakorede
Phone +2348130216469

Item description

Dr Ifakorede is Well Known in: Astrology, Palmistry, Face Reading, Horoscope and Numerology. Spiritual Healer From YORUBA LAND…
Stop wasting your money and time on those who mislead you, and those who say the have the power to help you, yet always fail. I am a REAL GENUINE YORUBA Astrologer who has been successfully providing results to my clients for over 66 years.
I use nothing but 100% safe and ancient Yoruba spiritual methods which is nearly 100 years old and these spiritual methods that are 90% fail-proof ! My spiritual rituals are not like others out there and cannot be compared...
We Provide You "Protection for House", Business and Personal Matters, Removal all Types of Black Magic and Evil Things By Performing, Prayers and Also Protection for life long..
What I Can Offer You
Fortune telling, Numerology, Palmistry, Horoscopes, Meditation, Palm readings, Past life regression, Help with love psychic, Help with family problems and Help with matchmaking.
Spiritual Guidance
Spiritual guidance in I can help you understand what choices you have in life.
For one to one readings, horoscopes, meditation and much more.
If you would like to talk directly to YeyeOsun, you can call today and ask +2348130216469
I believe I have the power to help you with whatever it is you need answers to. Most of my clients tell me that my readings are 'very accurate'. I do not judge anything that comes up, as I aim to look at where success lies for you so I can guide you in the right direction.
There could be help for you with your relationships, love life, family, work and money situations. I aim to help clear a path to your happiness and success in life.
Please call to arrange a reading or for more information, you can contact him on +2348130216469
Love Psychic Readings
If you are looking for with your answers, I can give you a Psychic Love Reading in Wembley.
Do you want to know more about your relationship?
Today love relationships are more complicated than they used to be. People tend to not stay with one partner for life, and with the internet and ways to keep in touch with others, people are finding it harder and harder to commit to that one relationship and the worry of mistrust and suspicion can tear a couple apart.
I could help you understand more about the relationship you are in, and advise you based on my many years of experience. Your partner is important to you, and you want to know if this relationship is right for you, and whether later on in life there will be any conflict, this is something I could guide you with.
Everything in these consultations are strictly private and confidential.
Astrological Life Readings
Have you ever had your Astrological Life Chart read?
For Numerologist Life Chart readings and interpretations in Dr. Ifakorede today.
I use horoscopes, which is an astrological chart representing the positions of the planets, the Sun, Moon and astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the time of an event. This can be related to someone's birth date or other significant dates in a person's life.
With Numerology readings we look at mystical and special relationships between numbers and coinciding events.
With these types of readings I could help you understand more about yourself, looking at your spiritual health, education, relationships with your family, your marriage or relationship with your partner, finance, wealth, and your own spirituality. Dr Ifakorede TRIBAL Advice WELL KNOWN NATURAL HERBAL MEDICINE ..
Come and solve your diseases like:- Asthma , Sneezing, Stroke,. E. T. C.